Custom Suiting By Suitable

A suit is a true gentleman’s best friend.

At some point in your life you’re going to need to get dressed up. It's just one of those things in life that will happen. And if you're close to my age then you know these occasions are starting to happen more and more. Work, weddings, birthdays, and the list seems to go on and on.

The need for some proper "grown-up" clothes beckons upon you, and it’s no longer acceptable to wear jeans to everything.

If you’re a guy then this means you not only should, but must have a proper suit in your wardrobe. 

A classic and well-fitted suit is a staple every man should have waiting for him in his wardrobe. It not only makes you look the part at these inevitable and important life occasions, but also makes you feel more confident, put together, and walk with an extra little pep in your step.

Thus, I give you SUITABLE.

A modern made to fit, custom tailoring suiting company that delivers the gentleman’s modern essentials. Every piece is made with the most advanced technology and the highest consideration, so that everything doesn’t just look as if it was made for you, but actually is. There truly isn’t anything like being in a custom suit on the way to an event. You just feel like a movie star, and the best part is SUITABLE does it without breaking the bank.

Sure, you could go buy something off the rack, but even those pieces require tailoring, and if we’re speaking candidly, as I tend to do, then it just isn’t going to portray the same element of style, poise and sharpness.

The time will come when you need to throw on a suit, so make it even more effortless, and invest in yourself. A good suit will last you a long time, and keep you looking forever on point.

Head over to SUITABLEto check out all the looks, and build your custom suit today.

Happy suiting ya'll!