Why The Future Needs To Be Female


To repeat the same action over and over and expect a different result is the definition of insanity. At least it’s my definition. Well, America it finally looks like we are coming out of our insanity haze.

As we emotionally emerge out of a huge midterm election in the United States, it fills me with so much power, humility, and excitement to say that for the first time ever more than 100 women were elected to the United States House of Representatives. 

And today more and more women continue to make history as we watch red seats flip blue and women be named victorious in elections country wide. It truly is a momentous day for American politics, and one that will be marked in the HERstory books forever.

Now more than ever little girls of all backgrounds will have someone to look up to, and think “hey, I can do it too!” What a powerful thought, feeling, experience, and more than anything real life occurrence.


While I may not be female, I am in many ways someone who identifies with many of the struggles women have to endure. I’ve experienced my own MeToo problems within my profession. I’ve had to fight to be seen and heard as someone who identifies within a marginalized group of people. I’ve been objectified, ridiculed, and harassed because of who I am. So for me these wins feel somewhat like my own as well. Even I am left feeling like, “hey, I can do it too,” and for that reason and many many others I must congratulate all the outliers that won today.

It’s been proven through world history that countries with women leaders do better on almost all fronts, and while I can’t say this for fact, I largely believe it’s because women tend to think with their heads, and not engage in some macho cock contest. The more women get a seat at the table, the more likely we are to watch humanity take a lead over power and greed. I don’t know about you, but I find this really fucking exciting.

If you carefully look back in history, women held leadership roles that were often linked to positive world development. That is until the church began to force people into a state of submission and fear, and pushed men into a state of power that was derived out of that same submission and fear. Thus, this is what we’ve known and how we have been governed. To this day remains this type of authority exists and leads to enormous worldwide problems.

Yes, we have a long way to go, but if today is any indication of what the future holds, it is that the future isn’t just female, but full of change, changer makers, and rule breakers. So buckle up, and continue to engage and resist because together we can make the differences we want to see.

Beyond heart happy today! 

How are you feeling? Let me know! I truly want to hear and feel the power of today from all of you!