ABS: V-Lines & Obliques

These moves are sure to get you that sexy v-line, and create that washboard swimmer six pack you've been looking for. 

A complete breakdown of the video is listed below.

Workout Breakdown:

Do the entire workout then repeat for 5 complete cycles!

  1. Rows 30
  2. Side Crunch Legs Up 20 Right Side
  3. Side Crunch Legs Up 20 Left Side
  4. Modified Leg Up 10 Right Side
  5. Modified Leg Up 10 Left Side
  6. 10 Spiderman Push Ups (5 Right | 5 Left) or
  7. 20 Spiderman Push Ups (10 Right | 10 Left)
  8. 20 Russian Twist with a Punch
  9. 30 Russian Twist Complete
  10. Repeat 4 more times!

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